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Nursing Home Medicaid Eligibility Standards

Florida Nursing Home Medicaid Asset Limits and Florida Nursing Home Medicaid Income Limits

Each state has adopted rules and guidelines setting caps on the amount of assets and income an applicant may own or receive in order to qualify for Medicaid Nursing Home Benefits. The following are the eligibility standards for the state of Florida.


 Florida Medicaid Eligibility Standards 2017

 Florida Nursing Home Medicaid Eligibility Standards "Individual"





Personal Needs


Homestead Exemption


Florida Nursing Home Medicaid Eligibility Standards "Married Community Spouse"

Community Spouse Assets


Community Spouse Minimum Maintenance


Community Spouse Maximum Maintenance


Community Spouse Household Expenses


Community Spouse Food/Utility Allowance


Confined Spouse Income


Homestead Exemption


Florida Nursing Home Medicaid Eligibility Standards "Married Both in Nursing Home"

Assets Combined


Income Combined


Homestead Exemption


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Medicaid Institutional Care Program (ICP)?

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Who may apply for Nursing Home Medicaid?

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Can I qualify for Nursing Home Medicaid if my Income is over the limit?

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What are Medicaid Asset Limits?

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How long does it take to get Medicaid?

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