Do I Qualify

"If you prefer to protect and preserve the family assets rather than deplete more than $100,000 per year on nursing home care",
The guidelines within the Florida Medicaid Policy Manual provide many different options for structuring assets and income to qualify for Long Term Nursing Home Care benefits. There are many legal options that have been utilized for many years by families wanting to preserve the hard earned assets of their loved ones. While the question, "Can I qualify?" has an easy answer of yes, the process of asset protection and application filing can be quite complex.
Medicaid Asset Protection Planning involves converting assets that are considered "Countable" by Medicaid into assets that are considered either "Non-countable" or "Exempt" and thereby reducing countable assets within acceptable limits. Further, when income exceeds the "Income Cap" a special document can be used to artificially lower the income and thereby qualify for benefits.
The asset and income protection process begins with gathering financial, health, and citizenship information. Once gathered, Medicaid ICP can assist in selecting an attorney that will directly discuss the situation with the appropriate family representative(s), evaluate the patient's and family's individual needs and then prepare a customized "Protection Plan". Many families are in "crisis" mode when beginning the Medicaid Asset Protection Planning process. Therefore, the Attorneys recommended by Medicaid ICP understand the need for timely consultations and turnaround of plan preparation. This turnaround is particularly important when each month of missed Medicaid eligibility will likely result in $8,000.00+ of lost family assets!
Once the Protection Plan is completed, the family representative(s) will be guided through the implementation of the plan by Platinum Benefit Services, Inc., the leading Florida Medicaid Application Processing company for families with excess assets. Platinum will verify assets, income and prepare the application for an expedited and successful filing. Once filed, Platinum will negotiate the application through the entire Medicaid bureaucratic process until the all important "APPROVED" status is obtained.
Platinum Benefit Services, Inc. puts it in writing:
"100% Money Back Guarantee
if we fail to gain Eligibility for the month applied for."
With more than 6,000 approvals achieved resulting in more than an estimated $700 Million protected,
You Can Be Confident in Platinum Benefit Services, Inc Obtaining the All Important APPROVED Status!
"100% Money Back Guarantee
if we fail to gain Eligibility for the month applied for."
With more than 6,000 approvals achieved resulting in more than an estimated $700 Million protected,
You Can Be Confident in Platinum Benefit Services, Inc Obtaining the All Important APPROVED Status!
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